Thursday, 9 July 2015

{Tip: Yarn Winding}

Let's face it, you've ever tried knitting or crocheting, you have run into a problem with size, or pattern, or something else that you've required you to loose the yarn again. If you decide to do so early enough, winding it back is rarely a problem. If however, you have a lot to wind back, or if you bought yarn that comes in a skein rather than a ball, you might have a bit of a mess on your hands.

In my most recent case, I decided to crochet myself a top. However, I didn't really like part of the pattern offered by the diagram, so I substituted it for something else. Problem - sizing became an issue (the pattern I chose wasn't as stretchy making my future garment too small for me to wear).

So I loosen it... all of it... The prospect of winding it was daunting. That is until I found a pencil to sacrifice and my handy drill!!! It's SUPER quick and easy:

* just wind a little bit onto the pencil by hand,
* tighten the end of the pencil into the drill, and push the "trigger"
* while doing the above, direct the yarn up and down the pencil to even out the distribution on yarn on the pencil.

See, I promised that this would be an easy hack!


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